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Saturday, 15 July 2017

Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 04:25
Nowadays, every time someone wants to buy a product or hire a service, the first thing they do is an internet keyword search. The only thing one has to do is enter some keywords related to your business and they will have a lot of information at the touch of their fingers in just a few seconds.

Opinions on the internet can heavily affect buying decisions. Hence, you would want to ensure that every time someone searches your name, the results that come back are positive. Online reputation management basically means to systematically control what shows up on the search pages when someone looks for you online.

How Does Online Reputation Affect a Business?

If your online reputation has been damaged by a recent incident or an offhand comment by a customer, it might be harming your business. Negative social media posts, Google results and images related to you might discourage potential customers from being associated with your business. Nowadays, it has become very easy to post comments and reviews on internet platforms.

Hence, online reputation management is extremely important if negative comments about you start appearing on the web. Given below are some reasons why reputation management is important:

Online Records are forever: If someone has posted something negative about you and you are expecting it to just go away with time, that is not how the internet works. Things on the internet stay there forever and don’t just disappear unless active steps are taken. Professional internet reputation services can help you push the negativity to the back and bring positive comments about your business to the forefront.

Online Reputation Affects Buying Decisions: As mentioned before, a large number of people do a quick internet search before deciding to choose a product or service. Make sure that whatever they find on the internet only encourages them to choose your service!     

Although people have unlimited freedom when it comes to posting opinions on the internet, your reputation can be managed by professional online reputation managers effectively. Make sure that when potential customers look you up, they find the best reviews possible!
Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 04:12
If you are looking for a clear definition of what link building is here’s what you have to know: Link building refers to the process by which you or your hired link building company acquires hyperlinks from other websites for your own. The word “link” means hyperlink and is used on the internet to navigate from one page to another.

However, it is not just human users that use links to go from one page to another. In fact, links are the only tool at the disposal of search engines to crawl the web. Search engines cannot and do not type their requirement into the search box on web pages like human users can. Hence, they use the several hyperlinks on a webpage to crawl through the website. Links play an important role in SEO as search engines often take the presence of organic links into consideration when awarding ranks to websites. These ranks, in turn, affect online visibility.

Some Common Benefits of Link Building

Apart from the obvious ranking benefits of link building, there are a number of other advantages that websites stand to gain:
  • One of the most important things that any business owner wants to achieve is getting the attention of targeted customers. Link building with a relevant website which your target group will visit frequently can help you get their attention.
  • You never know when a professional contact can be of help and save you from a difficult situation. Link building can nurture a mutual give and take relationship with people who are relevant to your business. You might also come across several industry experts who can help your brand your business in many ways.

An important thing that one must remember about link building is that it is an on-going process. It will not do any good to invest in a one-time link building plan and then forget about keeping this up. 
Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 02:47

Most small businesses today have an internet presence. However, most of these businesses are still unable to make full use of everything that the internet has to offer in relation to brand promotion and increasing profitability. These small businesses have been constantly struggling to get the online exposure required to attract the attention of their target audience.

A question that is commonly asked by most small business owners is: if I was to hire a search engine marketing company is it going to be profitable? To find the answer to this, take a look at the discussion points below: 

Understanding Search Engine Marketing

With the plethora of similar sounding concepts that have arrived in the world of digital marketing, it might be tough for non-professionals to keep up. Search Engine Marketing, also known as SEM is not the same as Search Engine Optimisation. In fact, the latter is a part of SEM. Search engine marketing refers to promoting websites on the internet in order to increase their visibility.

This enhanced visibility can be seen on the search engine result pages that show the results of a regular keyword search. It has been found that the rank by which the sites are listed on the SERPs contribute a great deal to their subsequent popularity and profitability. Apart from SEO, SEM also deals with technical factors like the efficiency of website design as well as the presence of relevant content, page upload speed etc.   

Why are SEO and SEM Justified for Small Businesses?
If you are still unsure of the importance of SEO and SEM for a small business, you need to ask yourself some important questions. Firstly, do you want to have a good rank on Google so that your website gets more visitors? Secondly, do you want your target audience to be directed to your website when they search for something relevant to your products and services? Thirdly, do you want customers to have a great experience on your website so that they want to return again and again? If you have answered “yes” to these, you must hire an SEM company today. 

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