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Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 00:04

Reputation has always been important not only to businesses and brands but also a variety of other organisations and individuals. After all, reputation is what drives people to buy services and products from a company or get in touch with a person. Nobody likes to be seen dealing with a disreputable organisation or individual. In the era of the internet and social media, it has become more important than ever to focus on your reputation.

Due to the increasing role played by the internet in people’s lives, it has become necessary to know what people are saying about you. After all, it does not take long for people to find out about your online reputation, irrespective of whether it is nice or bad. Here are a few important things that you ought to know about online reputation.

Search Engines Don’t Care About Reputation
Search engines like Google are neutral when it comes to your reputation. Their main aim is to show relevant and popular results. Therefore, when people search about you, the most relevant results will be shown first. If these results are negative posts about you then people will associate them with you instead of the positive ones. By managing your online reputation, you can ensure that only the good things are shown first.

The Internet is Permanent
It is easy to believe that people will stop saying negative things about you after sometime. However, the fact is that those negative posts will still remain on the internet. As a result, people may end up finding them even after months. While these negative posts might not be removable, they can certainly be overcome with better and positive posts.

Online Reputation Matters
You may only conduct your business offline. However, that does not mean that people are not talking about you online. In fact, the internet is where people go to in order to learn about a company or an individual. If you are not worried about your online reputation, you should certainly start doing so.
For these reasons, it is a good idea to get online reputation management services to help you maintain a positive impression online.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 23:47
When it comes to SEO, one of the terms that you are sure to come across is backlinks. As you may already know, backlinks are basically the links, present on other sites, which point to your own site. As any SEO link building company knows, backlinks are one of the most important factors used by Google for ranking sites. As a result, it is a good idea to learn as much as you can about them.

Basics of Backlinks
A backlink is created whenever someone posts a link to your site somewhere else. This can also be a comments box. Earlier, all links were considered for ranking purposes including those that originated from spam sites. However, this is no longer the case. Now, Google only considers links of a good quality. The quality of backlinks is determined by the authority of the site it comes from. More importantly, Google imposes a penalty if there are backlinks from spam websites among other things. Relevancy of the origin site is also a must. 

As long as these points are maintained, you can derive a number of benefits with backlinks. Here are a few of them.

Organic Ranking Improvement
For successful organic ranking, good links are a must. When you start getting backlinks from relevant sites, you will notice that the content starts appearing at higher ranks naturally. 

Rapid Indexing
Backlinks provide a path for the search engine bots to follow. As a result, they are able to discover your site and content faster. As a result, backlinks are particularly beneficial for new sites. Those sites get discovered and crawled by bots faster. This leads to your site being indexed quickly, making it easier for you to be ranked 

Earning Backlinks
There are several ways to earn quality backlinks. Here are a few of them.
  • Start writing articles and blogs of a high quality as people love sharing them.
  • Commenting is another good idea but you need to post on relevant sites.
  • Web directories can also work but make sure that they are of a good quality.

Due to the complications of maintaining a good backlink profile, it is often recommended to work with a SEO company. Nonetheless, the above details can be useful for you.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 02:31
For someone running a business or is involved in marketing, SEO is easily one of the most common terms they will come across. Of course, this is to be expected considering the immense role played by search engine optimisation in their success. Be that as it may, the fact is that there are several misconceptions and even myths perpetuated about SEO. Some of these myths may even end up crippling your ability to be a success. As a result, it becomes vital that you learn to separate the fact from the fiction. This is essential even if you have hired a search engine marketing agency to handle SEO for you.

Myth: Algorithm Updates Require Quick Reactions

People believe that it is essential to take quick steps whenever algorithm updates take place in order to be successful. However, the fact is that search engines constantly work on their algorithms and keep updating them on almost a daily basis. Therefore, it is not possible to react to every single update. It is only the major updates that you need to look into.

Even for major updates, there is no need for rapid steps. After all, you need to understand the impact of the update first. Moreover, not all updates will have an impact on your site. In fact, the update may even have a positive impact.

Myth: Optimising for Google Is Enough

Google is certainly the most pearl search engine. However, it is not the only one. Bing also has a sizeable share of the search engine market. There is also Yahoo and a few other niche search engines. While you do not need to optimise for all, you should not focus solely on Google. You should, at the very least, consider Bing as well. Bing has its own ranking factors. For example, it does not give much importance to backlinks. To get more traffic, you need to focus on more than just Google during optimisation.

There are several more myths being spread around. You need to properly research the facts before you assume any of them to be correct.

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