Many webmasters have come to understand the importance of link building and content marketing as part of their SEO strategy. However, at NHANCE Digital, we believe that it is also crucial to think of SEO’s technical side. Since the world of SEO is ever-changing and evolving, the only way to achieving the desired results is by getting the basic technical aspects right. Amongst all the other technical elements of SEO, two of the key aspects are mobile user experience and speed. These two stand out as modern Internet users are always on their mobile devices and they lack patience.
Increase the speed of your website
In the business world, time is money. Also, users do not have the patience to wait around for a website to load. At the most, they give a website 3 seconds. If the website fails to load within that time, users simply move on to some other website offering similar products or services. So, if your website has been showing a high bounce rate, it is probably because your website is too heavy and taking a lot of time to load. As Google considers page load speed as an important ranking factor, it is not something that you can ignore.
To Read more: Mobile UX and Speed are Key for SEO Success