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Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 00:48

Guest blogging remains an important search engine optimisation strategy. When implemented correctly, it can drastically boost keywords rankings, brand awareness, online visibility, traffic and conversions. Successful link building takes time, but the efforts yield good results in the long run. When you hand your business to SEO experts to drive traffic and visibility, they invite guest authors to post on their content, benefitting both the bloggers and brand’s product. Guest bloggers give backlinks to their products and useful links suitable to the topic, producing organic backlinks to improve search engine rankings and brand awareness.

Top SEO companies in Birmingham

SEO specialists of top SEO companies in Birmingham have been using this for decades. Though search engines are always updating its algorithm to fight black hat SEO, guest blogging remains a good tactic immune to any update in search engine landscape. When it is done correctly, it brings collaboration and rich content.

How to pursue bloggers for natural links?

Build a long-term content marketing strategy
- The guest blogging strategy must be in tune with your marketing strategy. Ask what services you want the authors to refer, which services would you love to highlight and which are your targeted keywords before approaching the guest bloggers.

Make a list of collaborators
- Start familiarising the brand with experts writing in a similar domain. Find online sources and influencers in your business niche. Social media, forums and Google are great resources for finding future collaborators and partners. When you find influencers, see how successful they are and analyse their organic link building. If they receive good traffic with their content, you may approach them.

Pitch properly
- Take time to know the authors. Know what they are interested in and how their services can help a brand. After a thorough analysis, craft a pitch that can help a business to establish long-term commitment. Once the bloggers start trusting a brand and its products, the content will be great.

Analyse the results
- Great partnership does not bring great results in a short time. Apart from giving time to the strategy, adapt to the changing trends in the guest blogging strategy. When the trends change, your content strategy should change accordingly. And, guest blogging is an amazing way to implement changes and wait for the results.

Guest blogging is essential for generating more traffic. Take help from the experts working in an SEO company.


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