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Monday, 28 October 2019

Posted by NHANCE Digital
No comments | 22:54

Everybody knows the importance of search engine optimisation and how it helps in the success of a business online. When you are planning to hire an agency, you need to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Here are four dos that you need to consider. Let’s take a look below.

Do understand the price structure

SEO campaigns are either retainer-based or one-time fee project, having both ups and downs. In the flat fee project, the specialists will perform a technical audit of your website and suggest ways of improving the website’s structure. Whereas, in a one-time project, experts search common terms and look for methods to improve the content, targeting only those terms.

In a flat fee, you will need a consultant who will look at your website and give you a customised checklist that needs to be done. In a retainer project, you hire an expert to work on your behalf for a couple of hours. The price differs for both the methods.

Do consider your budget

You need to keep your budget in mind before hiring a consultant or an agency to work for your business. Retainers charge $500 to $1000 per month and may rise depending upon the competitiveness, industry and your objectives. Project rates also vary. A full audit of a small website may charge $400 and $9000+ for larger websites.

Do understand SEO

Whilst hiring an SEO company near Liverpool, you should know the basics of SEO. Just because you are not a physician, that does not mean you should not understand what bacteria and viruses are. And, just because you are appointing an individual to look after your business, does not mean that you will have no idea about SEO and its role in promoting business. You should know to check the analytics and understand the per cent of traffic coming from organic search.

Do have a budget and plan to incorporate changes

SEO is a long-term process. It takes a while to earn trust and establish your brand in the market. For immediate results, you can opt for Google Ads and paid campaigns. You have to change your plan and increase your budget if you want to implement changes in the campaign.

Now that you know the Dos, plan accordingly and hire a trustworthy agency so that you receive positive outcomes in the end.


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