Black hat SEO refers to deceitful practices that help a website rank higher in the SERPs. Most times, a website is not even aware that it is being penalised for black hat SEO. Even though this unethical practice can temporarily help a website rank on top in Google, it will eventually be demoted once the search giant figures out. No good SEO company in Glasgow endorses black hat SEO and you need to be able to identify if such techniques are being implemented to make your website achieve the top ranking position. Below given are the five signs that you must look out for and if you see them, look for another professional SEO agency.
Keyword stuffing
Keyword stuffing is the practice where a keyword appears an inordinate number of times on a website to rank higher in Google search. This is one of the most common black hat SEO tactics. Since Google keeps changing its definition of what percentage of text should incorporate keywords, it is not always easy to identify keyword stuffing. The perfect way to identify would be to look for keywords in key places like, meta description, the title and the introduction. If keywords appear in places where it is seemingly irrelevant or it has been used a number of times, you need to start looking for a new SEO firm.
Paid links
Google ranks websites on the basis of link popularity. The more websites link to yours, the better will be your domain authority and Google will consider you as an authoritative figure. But, there are webmasters who resort to purchasing links, which is known as paid links. Google invests significant time and effort in shutting down such links. You do not need any special tool to figure out if the links are bought. In case the text looks random with no connection to the link, know that those are paid links.
These are a few of the signs of black hat SEO techniques that you need to be aware of. If you continue to allow your website be ranked through black hat SEO tactics, Google will penalise your website and you will lose all the results that you have achieved. It is possible that you might have to start building your brand online from scratch. So, ensure to only partner with a good SEO company that follows white hat SEO techniques.
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